Self-Assessment Tool

Knee Pain Self-Assessment Tool

Let us help! Complete these assessment questions to get your personalised report to help you discuss the level of your knee pain and treatment options with your doctor during your next doctor’s appointment.

To protect your privacy, we will not be collecting any personal data nor save any information provided in this assessment.

    Knee Pain Self-Assessment

    Q1. Have you been diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee by a health care provider?
    Q2. Have you recently had an injury to your knee? *If yes, please inform your doctor during your next visit.
    Q3. How long have you been troubled by knee pain?
    Q4. How would you describe the level of your knee pain?
    Q5. How does activity affect your pain?
    Q6. Is your knee stiff or difficult to bend and straighten?
    Q7. How is your knee pain changing over time?

    Knee Pain Self-Assessment

    Q8. How would you rate your level of knee pain during the following activities?
    Least pain (1) Most pain (5)
    Going up and down the stairs
    Resting in bed at night

    Pain Control Discussion

    Q1. Are you able to exercise with your current level of knee pain?
    [group group-q2-1 clear_on_hide]
    Q1A. Which types of exercises? (Select all that applies).
    Q2. Have you ever attended any physiotherapy sessions?
    Q3. Which of these knee pain treatments have you tried?

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